Robert A. Uhl

Boot faster & better

IBM developerWorks has cool article on faster booting using make. What I find most interesting is the way that it uses an ancient tool for a new purpose. This is enabled by the Unix philosophy: small programs which do one thing very well. These small programs can be tied together in a myriad of useful ways; in this case, ~make~’s ability to calculate dependencies is utilised to start various services, and its ability to run jobs in parallel is utilised so that one need not wait for each to start before continuing.

Another example is the guy who uses lpd to play MP3s. lpd is the line printer dæmon: its job is to spool files to a printer. But because of the way Unix represents devices like printers, and because of the flexibility of lpd, it can also be used to spool songs (not just MP3s — again, because Unix is so cool, the fellow switches based on whether the music is MP3, Ogg Vorbis or mod) to the speaker.

This is why we Unix users wear such smug looks all the time.
