Robert A. Uhl

The Linux Cookbook

The Linux Cookbook (perhaps more accurately called The Unix Cookbook) is a collection of various clever ways to do things on the command line. Worth a look, even if just to see how folks used to do things. Me, I still use the CLI for just about everything — it’s fast and pleasant to use, and doesn’t get in my way. Read more →

The Linux Cookbook

The Linux Cookbook (perhaps more accurately called The Unix Cookbook) is a collection of various clever ways to do things on the command line. Worth a look, even if just to see how folks used to do things. Me, I still use the CLI for just about everything — it’s fast and pleasant to use, and doesn’t get in my way. Read more →

Search and rescue

Spent awhile playing Search & Rescue. A deuced difficult game, made no simpler by the controls of a helicopter. Nowhere near so easy as one might imagine. 06 February 2018: updated URL Read more →

Search and rescue

Spent awhile playing Search & Rescue. A deuced difficult game, made no simpler by the controls of a helicopter. Nowhere near so easy as one might imagine. 06 February 2018: updated URL Read more →

Who says there are no Linux games?

Happy Penguin is proof that not only are there Linux games, there are plenty of ’em. Some are a bit on the old-fashioned side, but they’re still great fun (which is what I have always been led to believe is the whole point of a game). Among my favourites are NetHack and LinCity; freeciv and xconq are great (I remember playing xconq as a boy at ODU). What’s sad are the great old games no longer supported: games like spellcast and xtank (both more games o’ ODU). Read more →

Who says there are no Linux games?

Happy Penguin is proof that not only are there Linux games, there are plenty of ’em. Some are a bit on the old-fashioned side, but they’re still great fun (which is what I have always been led to believe is the whole point of a game). Among my favourites are NetHack and LinCity; freeciv and xconq are great (I remember playing xconq as a boy at ODU). What’s sad are the great old games no longer supported: games like spellcast and xtank (both more games o’ ODU). Read more →