Robert A. Uhl

How three guys restaged D-Days

Technology has advanced to the point that three guys were able to re-enact the landings at Omaha Beach. Three guys, three uniforms, one rope, two rifles, a video camera and movie-editing software — that was enough. Over four days of filming they got lots of footage of the three of them on the beach; then they were able to clone themselves over and over again, finally resulting in a D-Day landing which is reminiscent of Spielberg’s in Saving Private Ryan. Read more →

How three guys restaged D-Days

Technology has advanced to the point that three guys were able to re-enact the landings at Omaha Beach. Three guys, three uniforms, one rope, two rifles, a video camera and movie-editing software — that was enough. Over four days of filming they got lots of footage of the three of them on the beach; then they were able to clone themselves over and over again, finally resulting in a D-Day landing which is reminiscent of Spielberg’s in Saving Private Ryan. Read more →

Computer games, then & now

Found some comparison screenshots of video games from twenty years ago and today. Pretty impressive how much graphics have improved! I didn’t realise that games were this good — I might need to get a system one of these days. Read more →

Computer games, then & now

Found some comparison screenshots of video games from twenty years ago and today. Pretty impressive how much graphics have improved! I didn’t realise that games were this good — I might need to get a system one of these days. Read more →

Why High Definition?

A fellow has definitive proof of the need for High Definition television, in the form of frame captures of various scenes. The difference is truly striking: it’s like the difference between dirty and clean glasses. Sure, one doesn’t need clean lenses, but the world sure does look more pleasant with ’em. Likewise, while the differences when watching a motion picture tend to smooth over, the sharper image available with HD is a definite advantage. Read more →

Why High Definition?

A fellow has definitive proof of the need for High Definition television, in the form of frame captures of various scenes. The difference is truly striking: it’s like the difference between dirty and clean glasses. Sure, one doesn’t need clean lenses, but the world sure does look more pleasant with ’em. Likewise, while the differences when watching a motion picture tend to smooth over, the sharper image available with HD is a definite advantage. Read more →